Team Vista: Updates from Tanzania

Team Vista is an organisation close to my family’s heart. It was founded by my late father, Kerry William Frost, and continues to be lovingly (and tirelessly) run by my mother, Kerry Anne Frost. Team Vista’s mission and purpose is to reduce poverty in the community of Moshi, Tanzania, through relationships, education and understanding.
The people of Moshi, and many more across Africa, are stuck in an intergenerational cycle of poverty. But through these three key pillars, Kerry Anne is working to see as many of the young people in the community get educated and grow up healthy, empowered to make a better life for themselves and improve the lives of future community members. This challenge is enormous in its scope – but Team Vista is determined to take it one day, one child at a time. The sponsorship of children's education as well as donations, including food, clothing, household items, medical and school supplies, and even gifts like toys, enable Team Vista and Kerry Anne to mobilise support where it is needed, upskilling the next generation of Moshi residents, and doing so with an enormous amount of care and respect.
I’m in awe every day of Team Vista’s generosity and compassion, and proud to be a sponsor through my company Allcap Finance. We currently sponsor two young people – Maulidi and Hasla. Maulidi has completed his primary and secondary schooling and is now in University studying Business, and Hasla is studying Advanced level at College, where she has chosen all Science subjects. Both these students are from the area of Kaloleni, which is a ‘rubbish dump’ area of Moshi, with the poorest of living conditions. But their passion for their education remains, as do the 17 other students from this area who are sponsored by Team Vista.
It’s difficult to do justice in describing the determination and hope these kids show - it’s like nothing I’ve ever known. So it is truly an honour to be able to make contributions through Team Vista, that result in tangible, positive, lifelong impacts. I will leave you with this latest excerpt from Kerry Anne, who is currently on the ground in Moshi, living with the community and reporting on some of the work she is doing.
“Had another great session with our Women’s Empowerment group. It was a netball competition with the 4 teams. The girls didn’t really have much idea so there was plenty of laughter and whistle blowing. I really got a workout running up and down the court but we were rolling around laughing most of the time. We managed to have one winning team and they received a lollypop as a prize. We then put the music on, had our picnic of fairly bread, cup cakes and fruit. They all received their headtorch, thanks to sponsor Lou and then spend another half hour dancing!”
Those wishing to support Team Vista, can do so here.